Paying toll with on-board unit or with a relative ticket?

Consider the following arguments.

The first important factor is time. If you add up how much time you or your staff spend redeeming tickets online for scheduled routes, or how long the driver queues at kiosks at points of sale, you get a very high number of hours over six months or a year. Allow you or your staff to spend valuable working time concentrating on your real work instead of administrative tasks. Even in the medium term, the salary paid in proportion to the redemption of the relative tickets will far exceed the cost of purchasing a reasonably priced OBU.

Our second argument is to avoid the hassle of redeeming tickets that have been redeemed for the wrong route or not used. A visszaváltásra csak az érvényességi idő kezdete előtti nap 24. órájáig van lehetőség, a fel nem használt jegy kárba vész. Fedélzeti egység használatával nem kell előre megterveznie útvonalát. The price of the on-board units we offer is very reasonable: a few postponed journeys a year, a change of route in transit and you lose much more than the cost of an on-board unit, as in these cases you have to change to a new ticket for the changed route.

The third argument to consider is the avoidance of fines.From 1 September 2013, the fines will be between HUF 80 and 110 thousand, depending on the number of axles. It is clear that if, whether through inattention, mistake or any other reason, your vehicle is driving on the toll road network without a valid road-use permit, the one-off fine will be so high that you could buy two on-board units. A hatóságok sajnos csak a legritkább esetben gyakorolnak méltányosságot. Kerülje el a kockázatot, vásároljon fedélzeti eszközt!

Negyedik érvünk a biztonság. The toll collection service providers we recommend, Jármű Kontroll Magyarország Kft. and i-Cell Kft., are at the top of the Hungarian fleet tracking market, committed to providing their customers with a full service, so that when you buy a device you not only buy a device, but also receive free technical support to ensure smooth toll payment: in case of any technical problem, you can contact the toll collection service provider's customer service.